Tuesday, September 22, 2009


for the last three or so days i have been happy, the type of happy that makes me
worried, expecting a big crash to come at the end of it all. I think the vitamins are
beginning to help even me out. B complex, magnesium and calcium are a godsend. Or
it could be that the prayer and meditation is finally working.

I got two organizers today and went through a year of paper, it is amazing how much of
it i kept. My life is now organized in 30 folders and there is this amazing sense of
accomplishment. I think i am finding new ways of ignoring all the work I have to do.
Cleaning, reading, walking and of course the old means of escape is always there as well.

I have started shooting some film again, true sign that I am in between lost and found. On any
other day I would find myself deep in anxiety but something out of the ordinary, extraordinary is happening to me. In the last few days I have seen a lot of art and my mind seems sponge-ish and my tongue looser. I am doing all sorts of multi tasking and it finally seems as though some sort of normalcy is creeping back in after the hell of last year.

Or i just could be having a good day.


Yasmina Moya said...

Waiting to see your film shots :)
I'm sure they're absolutely powerful as always.

jeffhahn said...

I know what you mean re: feeling happy, it's a bit scary, not sure if the feelings here to stay or how long it'll be and when it'll wash away and leave you back where you were before. So temporary.Inbetweens