i read on the balcony until it was to chilly.
cleaned & rearranged.
drank a lot of water & vitamins.
saved files for web.
looked at the archive again.
plugged in the hot light.
learnt some html.
finished watching "my so called life".
converted video.
talked to ritty.
read my tarot card.
unplugged appliances that weren't in use.
realized you have to keep photos and young children at distance.

So, I think you had a relaxing enough day... that's awesome! I've been trying to learn hypnosis recently... a new challenge of mine. Instant induction... with a handshake or an arm pull, just put someone to sleep. I just need subjects. It's tricky.
Hope you are having the time of your life still, and always.
I am finding boredom in this internet idea. I guess you are given the world at your fingertips... you are offered everything... except all that is tangible. You get an eye and earful of whatever you can think of. Wanna see a kid play soccer? Sure. Wanna see a person ripped in half in a head on collision? No problem. Holls, why is this simple fact destroying me? Why is it that we can have almost anything we need to make us happy with a few keystrokes and I am sad? I can't stand this world. I abuse this. I fuck it up. Hell, if I am tired, I'll go to a porn site instead of my girlfriend's house. If I am hungry, I'll order pizza online instead of cooking. Not even kidding. I have done them both. I've even focused my writing to a blog. ACK! The word used to make me sick to my stomach. I wanted to share my thoughts in a book, spread through the world, 200-600 pages at a time. Now, I get hammered and type it out one blog at a time. I'm too addicted to give this up... I would ask myself, "What would Jesus do?" But in googling that question, I'd probably get several answers ranging from odd sex themes to Jesus' Lawn Care services in Athens, Texas. Just thought I'd talk to an old pal. See what you thought. Miss ya dearly,
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