Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
on and through glass
I have been scanning for three days.
by some miracle I found an Epson
flatbed scanner that was compatible
with my computer in Bequia.
Big sigh of relief.
I really wanted the chance to just be
in my space for a couple days and just
do, do, do. I swam on Christmas day
and collected sea grass that washed
up from the surging. It is in a huge aluminum
bowl on our tank in fresh water, smelling
to high heaven of the sea, raw and decay.
I sat under the stars tonight with my
father. We talked God, politics,
Africa and the sea. I love being here.
Below is an image from the new series
Imprints. © seabed

Friday, December 25, 2009

it is my mission this holiday to collect
every photograph on the island from way back when
to the late 60's, my parents got me a scanner. I think i may just skim the
surface of this goal. Today alone I traced the island's
roots back to the 17th century, collected maps, last wills and testaments
and got flung around by names like Ephraim, McPherson, Isaiah
John Peter, Abraham, Jane, Eleanor and Rose. All reduced
to stories that have trickled down and are now untrustworthy.
I come from the whalers.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Open Studios
Arielle Bier, Holly Bynoe, Jesse Chan, Tara Cronin, Ame Curtiss, Hernease Davis, Dillon DeWaters, Ryan Easter, Sam Falls, Waqas Farid, Olimpia Ferrari, Curtis Hamilton, Michael Itkoff, Tuomas Korpijaakko, Michelle Leedy, Pierre Le Hors, Garret Miller, Róisín Morris, Clark Nelson, Liz Sales, Sayaka Taninokuchi, Alejandra Ugarte Bedwell, Jason Woolfolk
Friday, December 18, 2009
7:00pm - 11:00pm
24-20 Jackson Ave. Long Island City, New York

inside my studio, general shots of the front gallery. Main Piece
titled "Passed on" 24"x36" printing on 140 lb newsprint.
David Deitcher, my MFA thesis advisor looking at the work, and
miscellaneous shots of the work and area.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
meek and mild
One of my few goals this semester was
to try to see if i can get a web presence that
i could update and contain. I got a new domain but
finding someone to do it has been to hard. After
sitting down with this http://hbynoe.otherpeoplespixels.com/
for a couple minutes, I think right now i am going
to spend some money and get a template site so I can
sell myself after I leave the institution. I quite like it and
it will be a platform for me to share a lot and write as well.
Tell me what you guys think if you ever make it around to
this end.
The semester is speeding to a close at an uncomfortable speed
for me. I feel as though I haven't done much at all but I know it isn't
true. My solo thesis show is coming up on the 19th of March I was freaking out
until I found that creating completely wipes out the anxiety for me. So i am up
again at a god forsaken hour praying for 2 gigs of extra memory for my
slow as snail photoshop.
I tried printing the collages today on newsprint. I was using Ilford Gallerie
Silk paper but decided that it was a little to precious for them and maybe they
need to be un-contained. I will be hanging my work for open studios sometime tomorrow or early Wednesday then I am gone for a couple weeks. I have been having some really insanely beautiful days this past month. I don't know what I am doing right but whatever it is my heart feels good.
Meek and Mild.

Thursday, December 10, 2009
sugar blossom
A scan of a sugar cane blossom, text from a indexical card
at the picture library of the NYPL and photo of my mother
from the late 50's. Lines, surfaces and a jumble of proverbs.
Proverbs was the seminal book in my childhood worshipping
time. I guess the reference for sweet is also there I wanted to
make this one beautiful, feminine and soft. Like a gentle warm breeze
contrasting it with bible text that is seemingly anti-feminine and
filled with hateful comments regarding "she" and "her".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
i have a map of the world
collage of a 15th century map, my friend damali and
damali abrams,
i have a map,
red red,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
my grandfather and his brother.
these collages keep rescuing me
they keep changing and challenging
me. Finally I am at a place where
it seems as though nature and intuition
is pulling me. I am in tow. A lot of the
text is lost because of the size. These
are going to live large: 20x30. They deserve

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