Sunday, February 7, 2010

an arms and a couple legs

I have finished printing for my show.
the book will be sent to the binders
this week. The framing has been picked out,
and i am still weeping on the inside from
guilt at the amount. The work deserves it.
I still have to sort the promotional aspects,
getting text on vinyl, editing video and figuring out
projections, installation etc.

I am beyond exhausted and my body
could use some sea, sun, fish broth and warmth.
May cant come soon enough, the anxiety is
making me weary. In other news, I am quite happy, and
may have a screening of one of my short films in Brooklyn later
this month if i say yes.

Love and light


Will said...


NSH said...

you have nothing to feel guilty about. its coming together beautifully.