Sunday, July 19, 2009

rubbing them together may cause friction

I am still trudging along with my vacation coming to an end with speed that could bend my neck and break it. Luckily I am finding a heap of solace in my saltwater logged evenings. I really don't know what would become of me if I sat at home for too long.

I am finding it a little easier now to take hold of the camera, and position it and find stories that i want to tell. I am interested in narratives not in the traditional sense but in placing photos with each other to help break up and extend the notion of memory. When i was younger I smeared plums on my face, they took a photograph of me as I let the sweetness produce a smile. I have been looking for it for three days now.

Alas maybe in my early 20's I removed it only of course to be very irresponsible leaving it somewhere within the halls of one of my numerous abodes. It made me very angry that I didn't realize how significant recalling these moments would become and having some sort of reference. Also made me realize that I need to collect all of these pieces here very soon, we have over 8 albums that are falling apart and finally i managed to pluck a photograph of me at 9 days old out. It will be the crux of my investigation this semester.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Sometimes it is so undeniably hard to feel something and
translate it via an image and have it explain, and occupy the
space words do. The failure of photography is
something that I find greatly motivating and frustrating.